Thursday, October 20, 2011


Assalamualikum to all my beloved sisters and respected brothers. Here I would like to share a very serious issue where most mothers neglect. I am not pointing to anyone and I am not looking for any personal argument on my thread. As a mother and as a slave of Allah swt,I want to share this with all of us because soon or later we will be parents.

It is very sad to see how these days mother raising their kids. The are the best mother by the way-they give perfect shelter, the best food, the best cloths, the best education and everything is the best.

Well that is what every mother in this world do-give the best for their children. hats what my mother did to be by the way. So there is no difference between a Muslim mother and a non Muslim mother. That is the basic responsibility need to be done every mother and it is not something special but that is what we call responsibility. You plan to have children then you must raise them. It is in every culture and religion by the way.

But my topic today is about mother vs Muslim Mother.

As Muslim mothers, we have more responsibility towards our children. Besides giving them the basic needs, we should also prepare their soul in worshipping Allah.I always believe that children are gift from Allah yest they are not belong to us.We are just chosen to be the parents to raise them according to Allah's rules.

But these days Muslims mothers raise their kids according to their own rules. They are preparing their kids for dunya and not for Jannah.How can we say a child's Jannah is under the mother's feet when the mother herself doesn’t bother to care for her child's Jannah?

Let me put everything straight forward without beating around the bush.

A mother should raise her child by telling him about Tauhid.We talk about Tauhid to non muslims but what about our own child? He doesn't know who is Allah, what is Islam, what is Salah,what is Jannah and Jahanam.The mother should teach about this.

The religion education comes first before the western education.

No more A for Apple...
Now A for Allah
No matter how the best a mother could give to her in child dunya,but if her child doesn't pray or doesn't wear hijab...she has failed to be a mother.

Because she is responsible for the corrupted ummah.The ummah starts from home. Each child grows up and creates an ummah and nation.So who is responsible for this corrupted ummah?

Do not blame the television,
Do not blame the western countries,
Do no blame the internet,
Do not blame the music,
Do not blame the nude women,
Do not blame anyone...

But blame ourselves

If he had a strong iman since childhood, he wouldn't have been corrupted in his religion.

Iman is like the bricks used to build the building. If they are low quality, the building will collapse one day. If they are from strong quality InshaAllah will survive like the pyramids.

If a child does not pray, then it is the mother's fault because she doesn't care to advice him as long as he can get 100/100 in his exam.

If a girl do not wear hijab,then it is the mother's fault because she doesn't care to advice her as long as she looks beautiful and happy with the compliments given by the relatives.

We are not living in this world according to our rules. We live according to Allah's rules. So we have no rights to raise the children as we like but we MUST raise the children according to what He wants.

To all Muslim mothers,if you want to be in Jannah,and you want your children to be in Jannah,do what Allah has ordered you to do.

No more so called western style of raising children.

We just take the good things from them (non Muslims) and modified it and implement Islamic rules and raise the child according this way.

· No more bed time stories-prophets stories
· No more teaching Roman alphabets-begine with alif,ba,ta.. and not A,B,C...
· Teach Alif for Allah and not A for Apple
· No more music -but dzikir for Allah
· No more drawing living creatures-but draw the beauty of Islam
· No more talking craps with friends at school -but teach how to do dawah and how to talk about Islam
· No more Barney or Sesame Street-but Huda channel or Iqro Channel
· No more” I love you,you love me(Barney song)- but “Give thanx to Allah”(by Zain Bhikha

Disbelievers do not follow our way, so why do we follow theirs?
Don't we have our own mind and own way of raising the children?

Think about it for a moment...!
by: Islamic Reflections

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